Farm to Table: Autumn Crisp Apple Galette + Pork Tenderloin with Honey Crisp

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As if you didn’t need more fall content breathing over your shoulder, I am here with more fall content. This time, I have two delicious recipes that can do two things at once: 1) make a dent in the large of apples you picked 2) impress your partner/best friend/dog/in-law with a deliciously cohesive dinner. Connor and I made our annual trip to Shelburne Farm this weekend just like every year, we ended up with more than we have mouths and meals — there are only so many reserved cheddar-apple pairings we can snack on. Thus, I present to you a breakdown of our apple-themed Sunday din.


Cast Iron Pork Tenderloin with Honey Crisp

You will need:

  • 1 lb pork tenderloin

  • 1 tbs brown sugar

  • 2 tbs country dijon mustard with grain

  • minced garlic

  • fresh thyme

  • 1-2 sliced apples

  • salt/pepper/garlic powder to season

  • canola oil

First, season the pork tenderloin with salt/pepper/garlic powder to taste. Marinate the pork in a mixture of brown sugar, dijon mustard, and minced garlic. Heat a large cast iron skillet with a coat of canola oil and cook the pork thoroughly. The goal is to achieve a nice sear/crust on the pork, so turn every minute or so (do not step away from your tenderloin!!) Toss the apples along with the pork and cook for about five minutes til tender. Garnish with thyme. The juiciness and sweetness of the apple paired with the seasoned pork is perfect for people who love a good balance of salty-sweetness. The thyme is a nice subtle reminder that it is ultimately a savory dish at the core.


Autumn Crisp Apple Galette

You will need

  • juice of half a lemon

  • 3-4 sliced apples

  • 2 tbs brown sugar

  • 1/2 tbs cinnamon

  • demerara sugar

  • pie crust

  • egg

  • pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Marinate the apple slices in the lemon juice, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Then, lay the crust over parchment paper, preferably over a baking sheet but a pie/cake tin will do. Fan the apple slices into galette formation. I like to put a few smaller slices in the center of the big circle so that the top fan of apples isn’t falling into the center. Curl the crust in to create an edge and finish with an egg wash. Lightly sprinkle demerara sugar on the crust and over the apples. Bake for forty minutes and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The autumn crisp apples were sweet with a hint of tartness and I love that they oxidize at a slower rate than other apples! This was ideal for the timely task of fanning the apples perfectly when prepping the galette.
